Wednesday 3 November 2004

it's not a matter of you versus of me....

Right - I picked this up at Dearie Me

Following a chain, from Cllr Andrew Brown

"Copy the list on to your blog, put in bold the ones you have listened to (completely from begining to end) and then add three more albums that you think people should have heard before they turn into their parents - remember, it isn't necessarily your most favourite albums but the ones you think people should listen to... and when we say listen we mean from track one through to the end...

If you put a link to your follow-on post in the comments of the site where you found it, the chain will be trackable."

Mike adds: "From now on, you are also allowed to DELETE up to THREE albums on the existing list, if you feel a) that this is an album which should not reasonably be foisted upon anybody, or b) that one Steve Earle album is quite enough for one lifetime, thank you."

Okay ... here's my stab at this....

London Calling - The Clash

Think Tank - Blur

Moon Safari - Air

Elastica - Elastica

Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols - Sex Pistols

OK Computer - Radiohead

The Kiss of Morning - Graham Coxon

The Wall - Pink Floyd

Setting Sons - The Jam

Train a Comin' - Steve Earle

Folksinger - Phranc

Come From the Shadows - Joan Baez

The River - Bruce Springsteen

What's Going On - Marvin Gaye

Metal Box - Public Image Ltd

Orbital #2 (The Brown Album) - Orbital

Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain - Pavement

Marquee Moon - Televison

Daydream Nation - Sonic Youth

New York - Lou Reed

Everything's Alright Forever - The Boo Radleys

The Power Out - Electrelane

The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses

Hatful of Hollow - The Smiths

Boy Child - Scott Walker

The ones I've deleted:

The Very Best of Joan Armatrading - Joan Armatrading (sorry, deletion based on my ignorance)

This is Hardcore - Pulp (great band - not a great album)

Apple Venus Vol. 1 - XTC (sorry... not for me)

So many others that I could put on here, and possibly harsh to delete Pulp (an album I own and quite like) when there are others on the list that I haven't listened to.... well, I looked them all up and decided that perhaps I would quite like to listen to some of them. To be honest, the only thing I have against XTC is that there was a guy on Mastermind answering questions on this the other week, and he was a total dweeb... which is ok ... what really got me is that he reckoned the reason that they weren't the biggest band in the world was because they stopped touring. What? Didn't the Beatles stop touring in 1965? They were pretty big after that, weren't they?

Anyway - one of you lot must want to take this on??? Anyone?? Bueller?

(I should add that only person can claim this at a time... post a link in the comments here to your followup, and then someone else should pick it up from there... make sense?)

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