That strangely brown creature next to my dad is Sadie.
Sadie was found wandering around the streets of Northampton when she was a puppy, some 13 years ago, and not long after that she was adopted by my mum and dad. She's something of an anxious little bean, but she's a sweet and attentive little dog and she has loads of personality. She's getting on a bit now, and is starting to get a bit stiff around her hind legs, so she certainly doesn't bounce around like a flea as much as she used to do, but I reckon there's some life in the old dog yet.
My dad absolutely adores this dog. He does insist on talking to her in a ridiculous baby voice, but he lavishes this dog with affection, and since his operation last year, she's been an excellent reason for him to get out of the house and take some exercise by taking her for walks in the forest.
A while ago, I decided it would be nice to get my dad a picture of his dog. Who better to ask to produce something like this than that wonderfully talented artist / photographer, Suburban Hen.
She's done a pretty good job, eh? I think my dad is going to be delighted.
Thank you Hen!
For all your artistic / photographic needs.
That is absolutely brilliant.
ReplyDeleteI love it. Well done, Hen!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link. Ve are now von step clozer to google dominashuns!
ReplyDeleteLove it.