Just a short post (to help me get into the habit of posting more regularly and so I can brain dump what I have been thinking and listening to today....)
Work was tolerable today, and somehow managed to still be there after 7pm AGAIN (they don't pay me overtime you know... I must be doing it for the love). It was a lovely evening though, so I popped out for a 4 mile run, and now I'm kicking back with a cool Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in a Billy Bragg 2003 Australian tour stubby holder as g'f whips up a chicken and cashew nut stir-fry for my tea. Mmmmm. I'm a lucky man.
Still in the grips of the re-awakening of my Morrissey obsession.
I'm still reading Saint Morrissey (see below) - it's quite interesting, although the author has the really annoying habit of dropping little references to smiths lyrics into his prose. Mind you. Not untypical of many fans though, judging by some of the nonsense I have seen on Morrissey forums whilst I was looking for reviews of his appearance at Move on sunday --good decision not to go, I think, he only played for 1hr 15mins and he is rumoured to be doing a proper UK tour in the Autumn. Hurray--
Listened to some Sandie Shaw at work today, as well as Louder than Bombs. Did a load more ripping last night (well, 6 CDs or so) and put a load more of my Morrissey albums on, as well as Patti Smith "Horses", Sandie Shaw and the acoustic hits bonus disc I got with my Cure album. That's a bit of a discovery actually... I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it's FANTASTIC!!
Also registered a pile of books for the Bookcrossing meet on Saturday.
Right... tea is beckoning and I haven't yet got changed after my shower, so I'm sat here in a towel that is more than a little damp.
2024: Best Books
2 weeks ago
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