Here's how it works: below you will find pictures of 12 bookshelves. Each shelf belongs to a reader of this blog. All you have to do is to match the bookshelf to the blogger and put your answers in the comments box below.
The prize? A SwissToni Mix CD - compiled by my own fair hands once the results are known and with the winner in mind.
There's more!
As if the CD wasn't enough, the winner will also have the honour of providing the title (in the house style) for a future post.....
There's a slight catch: One of the photos has been staged by me. For bonus points, identify the fake.... (well, I've probably given this away elsewhere, but you still have to pick the right pic, right?)
Here's the shortlist:
-> The Num Num
-> Leah
-> Aravis
-> Retro-Boy
-> The Ultimate Olympian
-> The Urban Fox
-> Spinsterwitch
-> CLM from to do #121: insert clever title here
-> RedOne
-> Jenni
-> YokoSpungeon
-> Mike from All Right Here
Off you go then. Click on each photo for a closer look.
Bookshelf 1:

Hmmm. Yeats, Cervantes, Irving, Vonnegut... very good.... what's that? Pervy books? Excellent!
Bookshelf 2

Hmmm. This is a bit of a mixed bag, innit? Quite a bit of Evelyn Waugh here, some philosophy, a guitar tutoring book, a bit of politics.... and the Matrix comics, some Philip Pullman and is that a book on A-Ha I can see?
Bookshelf 3

Oooh. CDs. Otherwise, it's another mixed bag. Tom Clancy?
Bookshelf 4

Piers Morgan, Martin Amis, Elvis and David Bowie? Nicely stocked though.
Bookshelf 5

This one's very brainy: Shakespeare, Chaucer, Orwell, Paxman... and lots of reference books and dictionaries.... hmmm.
Bookshelf 6

Lots of books here, but I'm distracted by the iPod....
Bookshelf 7

Lots of music, of course - but someone who has spent some time in Europe? France by the looks of it.
Bookshelf 8

Maupassant, Greene, Roald Dahl, Salinger.... and golf clubs?
Bookshelf 9

"Looking for Mr. Right", "Sex & the City" and "Constitutional Law & Politics"? Someone with insomnia?
Bookshelf 10

I like this bookcase. Lots of big, hard-backed books and it's bathed in a warm glow. Good for browsing, I reckon. Very calming.
Bookshelf 11

Very spartan looking, isn't it? "Tarot For Yourself"? "Truth or Dare"? "Managing Your Mind"?
Bookshelf 12

and finally.... a political traveller, by the looks of things.
I feel a bit Loyd Grossman after that, and it's not a pleasant feeling, let me tell you.
Over to you then. One guess each and a reason for each guess would be nice.
Oh - and thanks for sending in the photos! Next week..... toasters!
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