To avoid all possibility of another night spent moping about the house, this evening I made sure that there wouldn't be any time. I left work at about 7pm, went for a swim, got back home about 8:30, grabbed a bite to eat and dashed out to the pub to meet some friends for 8:45. It was the pub quiz, you see.
To make up for the brilliant post I would undoubtedly have written if I had stayed at home, I've brought home a couple of questions for you:
A. Name the 5 countries with the biggest hindu populations
B. Name the last 5 American winners of the men's singles tournament at Wimbledon
C. This one's a bit more tricky: the last letter of the previous answer is the first letter of the next answer.....
1. Which sitcom had characters called Daphne, Ros, Niles & Martin?
2. Which cartoon dog appeared with a cat called Custard?
3. Which Rock singer took his name from a brand of hearing aid?
4. What's the name given to a patch of green in the middle of a desert?
5. Which season begins after the vernal equinox?
6. Which British film has won the most Oscars?
7. Which country did the Romans call Hibernia?
8. In which city are the headquarters of General Motors based?
9. Which game features circles of red, green & yellow and playing involves getting really tangled up?
10. What is the name of Roy Race's son?
(no pressure, but we got 10/10 here)
and finally:
D: Connections
1. Which British Politician had an affair with Antonia de Sancha?
2. Who was burned for treason & witchcraft in 1431 and canonised in 1920?
3. What was the name of the character from the Wild West, played variously in films by Kirk Douglas, Dennis Quaid and Val Kilmer?
4. What was the name of the character played by Pamela Anderson in Baywatch
5. which fictional character is the connection between the last 4 answers???
Tie Breaker: How many of the wickets that Courtney Walsh took in Test Cricket were batsmen who were out for a duck? (I don't actually know the answer to this, so I'd appreciate your thoughts please. Now the question has been asked, I feel I have to know the answer.....)
We came 2nd in the end with 43/60 -- the winners had 44 -- but more importantly I spent a couple of hours in the company of some old friends and drank some beer.
bed, I think.
2024: Best Books
2 weeks ago
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