It's Friday, and luckily this week I've been (just about) organised enough to make sure we have a Guest Editor to lead us in our devotions....
Let's get stuck straight in then, eh?
Ladies and Gentleworms... without further ado... it is my great pleasure to present for your earworming pleasure.....
Earworms of the Week - Guest Editor #34 - Phil from Freespurge
So this is me on the infamous blog of Swisstoni writing my very own Earworms post.
As ST explained it to me my task is to list the 10 tunes that have been stuck in my head this week. I'll be honest, when he first asked me I thought it'd be really easy as two tunes sprang to mind instantly (then proceeded to play on an endless loop)but I've had to give it some thought as to what the other 8 tracks that have doubtlessly been earworming my psyche.
Okay, down to business;
10. "Heartbeats" - Jose Gonzalez
Steph bought me the Jose Gonzalez album (coz she's great) and the track "Hearbeats" has been featuring quite often on my mental playlist. For those that haven't heard it, just look out for the Sony Bravia tv advert, it's the track they use for that.
9. "Cosmo Canyon" (from Final Fantasy VII)
This one is obscure at best, incredibly sad at worse, but it's something that's been running through my wee-brain for ages, and I mean AGES, which is "Cosmo Canyon" used in the Squaresoft game Final Fantasy VII. I've been wanting to get hold of the game for the PC for ages, having enjoyed it so much on the PlayStation. Having just one it on E-bay I managed to download it the soundtrack, and the track is just as cool as I remember.
8. "In The Crossfire" - Starsailor
From their new album 'On the Outside'. There's no real reason for this other than I really like this song.
7. "I Love You Baby" - Andy Williams
This has been running through my head for the past 5 days solid entirely because Steph's been here and I've always felt like singing it when she's around in a suitably self-deprecating silly fashion that makes her laugh, but appreciates the sentiment.
6. "Most of the Time" - Bob Dylan featured in the film 'High Fidelity'. It's one of my favourite songs and is regularly on my MP3 playlist.
5. "Knocking on Heavens Door" - Bob Dylan
...because it's just amazing. Really short though.
Both of these have been running round my noodle because my flatmate is writing his dissertation on the Poetry of Bob Dylan and so, inevitably, songs come to the surface.
4. "Better Together" - Jack Johnson
It's such a "nice" song. It's very sweet and easy to like, but, I suppose, easy to get annoyed with, but again, because of the recent girlfriendness and Valentines Day it's a song that's been playing a lot in my head.
3. "Suddenly I See" - KT Tunstall
It's a great song. I'm not sure as to its rating against other tracks on the album, but it's a CD that's been playing over the last few days and that's the one that seems to have a vice like grip on me, especially when I'm in the shower. Best left well alone...
2. Firefly - Main Theme
For anyone who reads or has even glanced at my blog you'll know that I'm a little bit of a fan for Firefly and Serenity. So as such it's probably no real surprise that "Firefly - Main Theme" has been a tune I hum while pottering about. Seeing as Troy is a fan too and periodically plays the soundtrack as often as me, it's a song I hear alot.
1. "Love" (from the "Serenity" soundtrack)
Lastly this track from the Serenity soundtrack. It's a kick ass piece that's, for those that have seen it, is at the end of the film when Serenity takes off with Mal and River at the controls. It's got so much energy and I'll often just play that track (loud) because it puts me in a positive mood.
So there we go, my guest spot on Swisstoni's place over already. I hope folk enjoyed my Earworms.
Thanks Phil. Another good list. I like having Guest Editors. I suppose I'll just have to pull my finger out and line up a few more for the next few weeks, eh? Any volunteers? I want to get to 50 before we start having people have a second go, mind...
In other news, the fridges are now with Yoko for analysis and should be up on here in the next few days. I know you can hardly wait....
[Previous Guest Editors: Flash, The Urban Fox, Lord Bargain, Retro-Boy, Statue John, Ben, OLS, Ka, Jenni, Aravis, Yoko, Bee, Charlie, Tom, Di, Spin, The Ultimate Olympian, Damo, Mike, RedOne, The NumNum, Leah, Le Moine Perdu, clm, Michael, Hyde, Adem, Alecya, bytheseashore, adamant, Earworms of the Year 2005, Delrico Bandito, Graham, Lithaborn]
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