Monday 15 December 2014

loose as a goose....

OK.  So we're finally off the ground and officially fundraising.

On 26th April 2015, C and I will be running the London Marathon to raise money for the MS Trust.  26.2 miles is exactly twice as far as the furthest distance that I've ever run in one go.  When I was injured last year, I felt as though a half marathon was completely beyond me, but since then I've run 800 miles (and counting) this year and somehow got it into my head that actually, I do want to run a full marathon... and once you've decided that you want to run a marathon, why wouldn't you want to run one of the biggest and best supported that there is?

So we're running.

Our fundraising page is now up and running and can be found here:

I mentioned this on Facebook this morning and, thanks to our super-generous friends, we seem to have already got off to a flying start towards our target.  Well, with 131 days until the marathon, I'm afraid to tell you that I'm going to be banging the drum to raise some money for an excellent cause quite a lot here.  Resistance is futile.

Plus, if you make a donation, you get to use this exclusive badge in your status update:

And, as it's not just me running this marathon, you can also use this one:

Who could resist?

It's going to seem like a long 131 days, no?

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