Thursday 17 April 2014


A crisis in the office meant I didn't cycle home until it was already gone half-eight.  I really enjoy working with my team, so although it wasn't the best way to start the Easter weekend, it wasn't so bad. Still, as I got on my bike for the ride home, I was feeling pretty tired.

Nevermind, it was such a lovely evening that it was hard to feel grumpy for long.  Although it was late and I needed my lights for the cycle home, the sky was aflame with the most beautiful red striping of cloud and it was a cool and clear evening.  As I cycled offsite, the baby rabbits were out frolicking on the grass and a cock pheasant was busy corralling his harem.  Under the flyover, I saw there's a large patch of wild cowslips and then, as the cycle path curves alongside the Trent, I saw a freshwater cormorant, nesting swans and various coots, moorhens and geese. When I got home, I was greeted by my cat and my lovely wife.

It's a four-day weekend and it was sausages for tea.  What's not to like?

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