A particular bugbear is the "post of the week" that is chosen by ShiftMS. They're a good charity, and usually very upbeat and positive because they're focusing on young people and want to keep thingks light and airy....but the person doing the choosing clearly didn't get the memo and seems incapable of picking a piece of writing that is remotely positive on the subject of MS.
This week's post is an absolute doozy. It's on chronic pain, but just take a look at those pictures. Here's two of them, but the rest are pretty much as good too.
Amazing, right? Wow. I'm imagining that man in a jar is voiced by Rob Brydon's small man in a box, and if you do read the post, be sure to imagine the author using the same tone of voice as Antony and the Jonson's in "Hope There's Someone". I know I do.
Look, I get it. MS is a crappy condition that can take away so much and dealing with chronic pain or any of the other myriad of possible symptoms is certainly no fun.....But as Tyrion Lannister said in this week's Game of Thrones,"There’s always been more than enough death in the world for my taste. I can do without it in my leisure time".
(Besides, as Steve - we're now LinkedIn connected and everything - said when he pointed me in the direction of this week's highlighted blog: TL;DR)
New image added as it's Steve's favourite: "sad-faced woman in wheelchair being pointed at by disdainful able-bodied normals"

so many favourite images but i still don't think you can beat "sad-faced woman in wheelchair being pointed at by disdainful able-bodied normals"
ReplyDelete[am pretty sure that's how you'd search for it on ShutterStock, anyway]
image duly added, Steve.
ReplyDeleteI can just imagine their conversation:
ReplyDelete"Hey, you talked to her lately?"
"Uh, haven't really talked to her but she looks pretty, uh, down"
"'She looks pretty, uh, down?' Yeah, well maybe we should cheer her up then"
"What do you, uh, suppose we should do?"
"Well, does she like butter tarts?"
Or maybe:
"Come here come here, come here"
"Wow, look at her"
"I know"
"Wow, I've never seen Sharon look so bad before"
"I did once before but this is pretty bad"
"Yeah, what do you think she got up to last night?"
"Well, I, 'Sharon, I love you!'"